Friday, June 25, 2010

Fantastic Friday and the Cake Plate

Ceil had speech therapy this morning with Jane. Larry and Noriko were observers of the session. Ceil did very good on item ID and reading.

Looking in on Ceil's PT session.

Down the hallway with Steve and Larry. Larry and Noriko also assisted Steve with PT as she walked the entire hallway! Good job Ceil!

Brian stopped by during lunch for a visit and up went the volume.

And just when you thought the day was over. In came Lee, Maxine, and Doris to visit Ceil. Ceil was so happy to see her sisters and Lee. They came with a lovely pineapple upside-down bundt cake they picked up in Pequot Lakes at a Methodist church cake sale.
Lee told some great stories.

We had a lovely dinner, with lots of great
conversation, and afterward Linda put the candles on the cake and brought it out to the birthday boy, Larry.
When we were done, Maxine and Doris were talking about the cake and how it was on a nice plate, (as seen above) that Larry could keep for a gift. However, upon further inspection, it was found that the person who made the cake taped their name and address on the bottom of the plate and requested that it be returned! Boy, did we laugh.
Larry will write them and request return postage! ;^)

Ceil was so happy to see her sisters. We look forward to more visit from family and friends. It was a fantastic Friday for Ceil.

Oh, by the way. We got stuck with the plate! :^()

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