Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday Therapy at the Plaza

Ceil has therapy this morning at the plaza.  I am hoping the order for the new brace has gone through so that we can get Ceil measured and fitted soon.  This will not only help her walk better, but it will protect her right knee from injury as she continues with PT.  Well, it went very good for Ceil this morning at the plaza.  She worked hard and only stuck her tongue a few times at the therapists.  Ceil was working on using the wheelchair without help.  Se the video below.  More later.
Range of motion on the right arm.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Out of the House!

We finally got out of the house this morning.  Ceil was well rested and in good spirits today.  We walked the neighborhoods in the fall sun, and Ceil was pointing out all the beautiful trees along the way.  It was great to see Ceil so vibrant and engaged.  Ceil had so much energy after her nap that she wanted to go to Culver's for dinner.  She had her usual snack pack.  She ate so good and really enjoyed her dinner.  That's what it is all about.
Ceil enjoying the Culver's snack pack.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


It has been a very snoozy day for Ceil today.  We did therapies this morning, but not much else.  Doug stopped by for a few minutes today.  We are looking forward to a more energetic day tomorrow.  Strokes are very draining, as I am sure most of you know from your own research.  So, rest is a vital part of Ceil's recovery, and I let her rest when she needs it.  See you tomorrow.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Visitors at the Plaza

This morning, Doug and Linda came to watch Ceil work with the therapists at the plaza.  When the therapist came out to the lobby to get Ceil, Linda said, I know that person.  It turns out that Linda went to school with the PT.  Small world.  PT went well and Ceil worked very hard.  Doug came for OT, which also went very well.  We all had lunch at the Star of India after therapy.  A well earned reward for the hard work Ceil did this morning.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday with the Kids

Ceil spent the entire day with Denise, Karen, and the cousins.  We were off to on the ING 10th anniversary celebration at the Renaissance Festival.  Denise reported that Ceil had a wonderful time preparing pear bread.  She even cut up the pears!  They took a walk and had a great dinner together.  A wonderful Sunday for Ceil.

Ceil and Karen preparing the pears 
Ceil cutting pears.  Great job!

Ceil and the cat.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Saturday is Funday!

This morning we were off to Savers, Big Lots, and the mall, looking for some duck shoes for tomorrow at the Renaissance Festival.  We came up empty handed, but it was a nice time out and about.  Whenever we are at the mall and pass by Halberstadt's, Ceil points to the store and wants to go see the store manager.  He is someone that Ceil has known for years.  Well. today I took a picture of them together.  I figure if he means that much to Ceil, than he needs to be in the blog.  Later today it is ladies day at the movies.  The featured film today is - You Again.  A comedy about families that have been rivals for years.  All are welcome.  We will be at the theater at 4:00 pm.  After the movie, it's off to Culver's for a burger.   What a fun afternoon and evening we have planned. 

Ceil with her friend at Haberstadt's.
What a great time Ceil had at the movie today.  The movie got two thumbs up from everyone,   Culver's was good too, and everyone had a great time visiting and enjoying the food.  After the movie, visiting, and Culver's, it was time for bed.  Ceil went to bed with a big smile on her face.  Tomorrow, Denise and Karen are coming to stay with Ceil as Linda and I are off to the Renaissance Festival with ING Direct.  See you tomorrow!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Outing with Doug - Tech Homecoming Football

Doug came this morning to take Ceil on an outing to Menard's and then lunch.  Doug and Ceil came back at 1:00 pm!  That is an hour beyond Ceil's nap time.  However, Ceil was hanging in there and did have a good time with Doug.  Doug reported that they went to Menard's, Target, and for Lunch, they went to Famous Dave's.  A good time was had by all.  It is good for Ceil to be with family, and to get some fresh air.  After dinner, we decided to go for a walk around Lake George.  It just so happens that the Tech homecoming football game was going on tonight.  So, we went over and peeked through the fence.  We didn't stay long, but it was nice for all of us to get a bit of fresh air .  We came back, and Ceil got into her flannel PJs and watch Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives.  Then it was off to bed.  Not a bad day at all.  This weekend also promises to be a fun one for Ceil.  Stories and pictures to follow.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rainy, Boring Thursday

Well, today has been quite boring.  Ceil and I have completed all therapies and she is just about to wake from her afternoon nap.  The rain has prevented us from getting out of the house today, which makes for a longer day for both of us.  Ceil is responding very well to the therapy she is receiving at the plaza.  She is also making some new friends.   Perhaps we will have an outing later if the weather conditions improve.  Please stop by again soon!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

One More for the Road...

Fall is here! Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Yet Another Great Day at the Plaza!

Ceil worked really hard this morning in therapy. Both OT and PT were impressed with her efforts today. Below is a pictorial and video journal of what Ceil does at the plaza. It is hard work, but worth every groan, frustrated tear, and laugh, as it is truly making a difference in Ceil's recovery and the quality of her life.

Every session starts with leg exercises.

Walking with the "swedish cage" brace.

Using an exercise band to help the right leg work harder.

Working with the "skateboard" Ceil moved her right arm on her own this morning! Watch the videos below!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday Morning Walk

Finally after a few cool and rainy days, we had a beautiful morning for Ceil and I to take a walk. It was a perfect fall-like day, with a slightly cool breeze and warm sun. The trees are beginning to change, so it was a good photo opportunity. Ceil really enjoyed getting out and was looking around at the trees and the fall colors. We do have an outing planned for later.

The beautiful morning sun and the colorful trees.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Good Morning at the Plaza

Ceil had a really good morning of therapy at the plaza. John, the PT was very happy with Ceil's efforts this morning, as she worked really hard. John tried a quad-cane today and Ceil really responded well to it. I will be going to Goodwill/Easter Seals to get one for her to use. OT went very well, as they continued working on the right with the EMPI. Ceil was moving her right arm on her own a lot of the time! Great progress!

Pep talk from John

Using the quad-cane

One more walk and we are done.

The two sides of Ceil

Ceil and the OT working on the right arm

EMPI on Ceil's right leg. It makes a big difference. The leg and the arm are both warmer after the therapy. Ceil is now recognizing her right arm as a result of the EMPI. Very cool!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Road Trip!

Today was the first road trip for Ceil since her stroke. What an exciting trip for her. We were invited for Viking's football, lunch, and dessert at Kevin and Colleen's house. It was, of course Kevin's birthday last week. So, we were going to celebrate with him today. We took our car instead of the van for a change and Ceil really enjoyed sitting in a regular car seat. The day was filled with football, food, and a nice walk in the park with the dogs. Ceil was full of energy for most of the time, and really handled the ride both there and back like a real trooper. Thanks to Kevin and Colleen for their wonderful hospitality and great food!

Ceil enjoying the ride to Kevin and Colleen's house.

Kevin and Ceil in front of the big screen
The birthday boy and his mom

Look who is on TV

Out for a walk with the dogs

A beautiful day for a walk

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday Visitors

Denise came to stay with Ceil while Linda and I were off with friends for a birthday celebration. Ceil also had special visitors come today. Wendy and Tammy made a special trip to visit with Ceil and Denise. What a wonderful surprise for them! Ceil was glowing when Wendy and Tammy came in the door. Fester the jester and Mickie stopped as well, making it a party! Enjoy the pictures. Tomorrow brings a new adventure for Ceil. Stay tuned!

Friday, September 17, 2010

More Progress at the Plaza

This morning Ceil had therapy at the plaza. Boy, did she work hard! Ceil worked with OT on the right arm and moved the arm by herself! It was great to watch her work with the therapist. The OT used the EMPI and Ceil worked the rest of the arm on her own power. Ceil also did her best walking to-date with the PT today. She walked the whole distance of the therapy room and then all the way to the lobby. When they were about 10 feet away from the lobby door, the PT offered Ceil a chance to quit and sit down. Ceil paused for just a second, and then pushed her right leg forward in a determined effort to complete the walk. Ceil did complete the walk. Great job Ceil! The PT will order a custom leg brace that will help Ceil walk more efficiently and protect the knee from hyper extending as well.

Working the right arm with the OT

The first of many steps with the PT

Walking to the Biodex

Ceil got her hair cut later in the day, and then we walked around the mall for a while window shopping and looking at the various Halloween displays.