Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday-- Christmas cookies and holiday cheer

We woke Ceil up early to get a jump on the day. Ceil was ready for her closeup after visit the the Gross Spa and Beauty Salon.  Ceil took a few steps in the kitchen in order to pose for the camera.  After breakfast there are cookies to be baked and decorated.  This afternoon there might be a short trip to Home Depot to look for a new showerhead (with a palm on/off switch) and then this evening the Christmas is going up.  Anyone who would like to come over to decorate the tree is welcomed. Ceil would enjoy the company.  Ceil would love to hear the stories about the homemade decorations that will be decorating the tree.  Larry- we'll make sure your bells are front and centered.

 It's a Christmas Wonderland at Home Depot
Lunch at Culver's- hamburger and fries...yum!


  1. You sure know how to bring out a comment from me. Thank you so much for putting my decoration front and center. A picture of it on the blog wouldn't be bad, either. I can hardly wait!!!!

  2. I added a some comments for the last couple of days as well. Sorry for being AWOL.
