Friday, May 4, 2012

Early start to the weekend :)

Ceil awoke to Linda singing "Good Morning" (from Singin' in the Rain) to her.  Linda took the day off to max-out her birthday weekend.  Linda treated Ceil to the "spa" treatment.  Afterwards Linda asked Ceil if she wanted to see what a million bucks looked like- Ceil said yes- Linda put Ceil in front of a full length mirror. Ceil's reaction:  WOW!   After breakfast it was off to Stephanie Hanson's (Judy Grimsley's daughter) garage sale.  Stephanie was accepted into law school at Regents University and the whole bunch (Steph and her family, Ken and Judy) will be moving to Virginia soon.  Ceil was happy to see Judy and get caught up on the latest news from them.  We wished them well and then it was off to Savers.  Ceil ran into Bonnie there.  Bonnie works at Savers, so we're not quite sure if that's how she knows Ceil or if it's outside Savers that Ceil knows her.  We shopped a bit, found a few things and then had to decide what to do for lunch.  We decided to try China Star again.  Haven't been there for a long time but the food was quite good today.  Ceil enjoyed her meal, especially the apple pie dessert.  Ceil is resting now.  We'll have to see what this evening might bring!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I've been out of it for a while. Hope Linda had a great birthday.

    You know what they say, as American as apple pie at the China Star!
