Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday Morning with Denise II

Denise came early this morning to spend time with Ceil.  They had a nice morning together, and later went for a walk that led them Mrs.Wood's house for a nice visit.  Ceil was delighted to see her, and they caught up on all the news and happenings in each other's lives over the past few months.  Denise made a Ceil a nice lunch, and then it was off for a much needed afternoon nap. 
The evening was quiet and rather uneventful, but Ceil enjoyed AMC with Linda, and then it was off to bed.  Doug will be coming tomorrow to spend the morning with Ceil.


  1. Say, didn't one of those Wood boys have a crush on Denise or Linda or somebody? Or, was it the other way around and one of those boys had a crush on Denise or Linda? Oh well. Whatever. Glad to hear the Wood family is still in business.

  2. Be sure to read my comment from yesterday as well.
