Friday, September 2, 2011

Thursday Update

Ceil spent the whole morning with Doug.  They spent time driving around and had lunch at Dickie's BBQ.  Ceil's becoming a regular over there.  Afterward, They went back home and Doug brought out the pictures from his trip to Albania.  Ceil really enjoyed the pictures and stories.  Linda came home early to be with Ceil.  Linda gave Ceil bot chocolate with marmellows, and they watched cooking shows together.  Christopher was with them as well.  Ceil really enjoys holding her great grandson.  After a nice dinner, it was time to kick back and enjoy a quiet evening.
Ceil and baby Christopher.  What joy he brings to Ceil

1 comment:

  1. Man,that Christopher is getting big! Better watch out. He'll be wanting to go eat at Dickie's BBQ pretty soon, too!
