Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday Update - Brian Came Today

Brian made a surprise visit this morning.  Ceil was delighted.  They went to Fester's favorite store, Walmart and did a little shopping and looking around.  After that, it was off to Ciati's for an early lunch.  Linda and Rob joined them.

So true!
Cutting up with the waitress at Ciati's

Linda took her lunch hour to be with Ceil and Brian

Ciati's has a beautiful interior design

Later, it was out for a walk in the fall evening.  Ceil and the little man enjoyed the walk.  The breeze was warm and amazing too.

The answer is blowin' in the wind

The flowers were still beautiful in October

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that just like Mom to be yukking it up with the waitress? Very funny. Boy, the fall colors are really something. I keep waiting for the colors to change here in CA. But, nothing yet!
