Saturday, October 22, 2011

Friday Update - Doris and Maxine Came for a Visit!

Ceil visited with Linda at the ING cafe this morning

After her nap, Ceil was surprised by a special visit from Doris and Maxine.  They brought bread, wild rice, and homemade jam!  They had a wonderful visit, and it always nice to see them.. On another note: I asked Ceil who made the best bread; her, Maxine or Joyce?  Ceil answered Maxine- I told her Joyce wouldn't ever want to hear that  :).  Keep the bread coming Maxine :)

Ceil had to taste the bread and jam - Yum! Outstanding! Keep the jam coming Doris :)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, Mom. I have to disagree. You make the best bread, not Maxine. Although, I'll have to give both Doris and Maxine credit for making good bread. Maybe it's because they use the bread makers they bought in Idaho Falls when we went to visit Bud. That's got to be it!

    That's what I always say: Sauk Rapids has the best looking alleys anywhere!

    Did Sister Mary make the dream catcher? It's got her finger prints all over it. How is Sister Mary doing, anyhow? We haven't seen her on the blog for a while. Get on that, would you?
