Saturday, December 3, 2011

Friday Update- A day out and about!

Linda stayed home from work to spend the day with Ceil. The deacon came to give Ceil communion. After that it was off to Sam's Club to buy supplies.  We decided that since we were on the road, we would head to Famous Dave's for lunch.  The server/kitchen brought out cold food to Rob and got the order wrong for Linda and Ceil's platter (that they were splitting).  This wasn't the first time Famous Dave messed up.  They fixed the orders but it was decided we would only do Dickies from now on for BBQ.  Dickies rule.  After Ceil's nap we headed to Saver's and Big Lots.  Ceil did some Christmas shopping...good to see her want to shop this year.  After a bowl of chicken-n-dumpling soup (that we bought at Big Lots) we watched some of Jim Carey's "The Grinch that Stole Christmas".  Then it was off to bed.  We'll see what Saturday brings.

1 comment:

  1. Communion and shopping and barbeque and chicken-n-dumpling soup and "The Grinch That Stole Christmas." Does it get any better than that? I can't think of anything better. But, that's just me. Glad to hear Mom's having a wonder life!
