Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday Update

Ceil is doing great today.  Ceil received the Anishinaabeg Today newspaper in the mail today.  I gave it to her and she read it from front to back!  She took her time and paged through the paper slowly and thoughtfully, sometimes pausing as if she knew someone mentioned in the paper.  I am sure it brought back memories of the reservation.  Perhaps she will have to go up in the spring for a visit.  It was inspiring to watch Ceil reading the paper this morning.  Not sure what we have in store for later today, but stay tuned!
Ceil reading every page of the reservation newspaper.

Thoughtfully reading the obituary section.


  1. That's good to get the reservation newspaper. I'm glad Mom enjoyed it. Get her more reservation news to read!

  2. Be sure to read my comment from yesterday, too!
