Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday Update - Getting Out with Doug

It's so nice that Doug comes almost every Tuesday and Thursday morning to get Ceil out and about.  They were off to Menard's this morning, and then over to Target for a morning cup of coffee and people watching.  For lunch it was Dickie's BBQ for the traditional pulled-pork sandwich.  A nice outing indeed for Ceil.
Yum! Target coffee!

The persimmons came today from California!

We will eat them after we freeze and thaw them.  They are very astringent!
Thanks Larry!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I didn't get word to you about how to process them before you tried them. Trust me. I've had astringent persimmons before, too. They'll dry your mouth out good! However, after you've thawed them, they should be great! Denise: No making wine out of the persimmons! Everybody else: The persimmons are for Mom. They're an early Christmas present. So, it's up to her if she wants to share them. But, I hope everyone gets at least a bite. Ken doesn't care for persimmons very much. But, done right, I think they're really, really tasty! I have 108 persimmons I'm processing right now. They should be ready to go this weekend. I think most of them will go back to our neighbors. I'll actually probably freeze some so Noriko can have some when she gets back from Japan. Otherwise, we're in persimmon heaven here in California. So, I thought I'd share a little bit of persimmon heaven with Mom. Too bad you all had to go through persimmon purgatory first!

    Enjoy the persimmons!

    Be sure to read my comment from yesterday, too!
