Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday Update - Walking and Taking Our Time

After a busy holiday weekend, Ceil slept in a little longer this morning.  We took our time and just did everything nice and slow.  After a nice breakfast, a little Food Network.  It was time to do some work.  We started with peddling for about 20 minutes, then is was over to the rail for 4 sets of up and down exercises, and finally we walked the railing 4 times.  We concentrated on posture and balance today.  Ceil did so well, and was really working hard on her posture.  Ceil found that standing tall and straight made it easier for her to kick the right leg out when walking.  She was delighted with the outcome, and so was I!
The morning was still young and the sun was shining so beautifully that we had to take a walk.  Man, was is it ever nice!  We took our time on the walk and went the really long way around the block.
Ceil was please with her newly raked flower beds.

1 comment:

  1. Four times up and down the hallway? Holy smokes!! You're on your way, Mom.

    Love the early bloomers in the flower bed.
