Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday Update - The Morning with Doug and Speech Therapy

Ceil was up early and doing quite nicely this morning.  Doug came to visit Ceil.  The speech therapist came as well to do an assessment to determine if Ceil would in-home speech therapy.  I was out and about running errands and will get the information from Doug a little later.
Well, the speech therapist thought that Ceil had not lost any ground, and recommended that we keep working with her as we have been over the last few months.  That's good news, but we all know Ceil is sharp as a tack.  Doug and Ceil went shopping at Walmart and drove around town a bit before coming home for a nice lunch, followed by the much needed afternoon nap.

1 comment:

  1. All right, Mom! Keep practicing singing "Happy Birthday" for all the birthdays coming up in June. You know who I'm talking about!!!!! And, I don't mean Dale. (Sorry, Dale.)

