Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Dynavision Board

Ceil had a great morning at the Plaza.  She had speech and OT today.  Ceil worked very hard in both sessions.  OT had Ceil back at the Dynavision board working on her right side recognition.  Ceil did really well with her left hand, and very nicely with her right hand, assisted by her left hand.  Below is a video of Ceil working on the Dynavision board.  It is a bit dark, but I think you will understand what is going on. 
Ceil at the Dynavision board.

Ceil working on the board.

Ceil working on the Dynavision board with the lights out in the room.

1 comment:

  1. You're doing better at that Dynavision board than I could, Mom. I'm humbled, I'm humbled.
