Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday- is Brunch Time

Ceil woke up to a sunny and warmer morning.  After a warm shower, her company arrived. Brian and Mickie arrived in town to have brunch with Ceil.  Ceil was on the phone with Larry when they arrived...the phone was handed off to Brian so that Ceil could finish getting ready to go out.  Kevin and Colleen were also arriving for the morning brunch date with Ceil.  The five headed to 5th Ave Grill....service was good but everyone gave two thumbs down on the food.  After brunch they headed across the street to Cowboy Jack's for an after brunch drink.  Colleen's parents have horses so Colleen jumped right up in the saddle,,,yeeee-haw!  Everyone came back to the house and visited for a few hours.  Ceil is now down for a nap. We'll see what happens later this day. From the pictures below, looks like Mickie was the photographer. Oh...a surprise for Ceil (after her nap) on the table from Kevin and Colleen...Valentine's Day chocolates!!!!  Ceil was all smiles when she read her card and saw the chocolates....thank you Kevin and Colleen!

1 comment:

  1. I think the top picture was when I didn't know they had handed the phone off to Brian and I was saying, "I love you, Mom!" That explains the wtf expression on Brian's face. And, as we all know, "wtf" stands for, "Why, that's funny!"

    Life is like a box of chocolates. Put it in front of Brian, and he'll eat it right up, which is why Mom knows, you always have to get to those chocolates first before Brian if you want to have any at all!

    I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!
