Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday Visitors

Ceil was excited to find that she had visitors coming today.  Brian, Kevin, and Colleen came to spend the morning with Ceil.  She was ready to go when they arrived, and they were off to Crossroads for an outing and lunch.  On the way to Crossroads they stopped and picked up Denise to be a part of the fun.  Ceil had a great time and a wonderful lunch.  She was ready for a nap when she got back home.  Later, Ken, Judy, Steve, Katie, and baby Christopher stopped by for a birthday celebration.  What a nice time Ceil had.  A very eventful Saturday as well.
Fester, Kevin, Colleen, and Ceil before the outing.

Kevin brought Ceil some cool clothes protectors, made by a friend from his workplace.

We had a birthday celebration for Judy.  Ceil enjoyed a nice birthday party, dinner, and cake to boot!

1 comment:

  1. Is January birthday month? Hannah, Noriko, and I don't know who all else. Well, enjoy a month of birthday celebrations until we get to the next month of birthday celebrations, February: Denise, Rob, Abraham Lincoln, etc., etc., etc.
