Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

Ceil is off with Doug, Brian, and Micki to celebrate St. Patrick's day.  Not sure where they will end up, but I'm sure there will be a story to tell when all is said and done.  This just in...  The foursome enjoyed traditional Irish fare at the Ace Bar and Grill.  Ceil had the corned beef and cabbage for lunch.  It was a nice time for Ceil to kick back, enjoy a green beer and the good company.  Now that's a very good thing!
Ah, green beer...

Fester, sharing his green beer with Ceil .

Ceil, Micki, and Doug getting things started on St. Pat's day

It's all about the beer!

1 comment:

  1. It's all about the beer. I wonder who's comment that was, Brian.

    Anyhow, I'm glad you all enjoyed a Happy St. Patrick's Day. The corned beef and cabbage sounded great.
